

Ever-Evolving Resource List

Dear friend, please note: We do not systematically agree with any of these scholars or authors on their points or perspectives, nor do they systematically agree with one another – for us, that’s the point. We have finally discovered we do not need to fully agree with someone to learn from them or be inspired by their journey. This beautiful discovery of theological diversity has accelerated our personal and spiritual growth. We are on a journey, wherein the journey is the point.

We value wrestling with the mystery we call God.

We value curiosity.

We value boldly exploring our spirituality knowing we live, move, and have our being in God (Acts 17).

With every breath we take we are physically and emotionally connecting to God.

Our faith has evolved and deepened as we explore. We are anchored to Jesus, rooted in love, and passionate about relationships. It is our joy to partner with humanity from all walks of life, perspectives, cultures, and religions to create spaces on earth that cultivate connection, health, and wholeness.

Many of these authors are Judeo-Christian, though very diverse from one another. Others are not. Some authors are from centuries ago and some are still living, you’ll see. It’s a kaleidoscope. May they water your soul as they have watered ours.


Enjoy exploring your spirituality…enjoy your journey.

These “watering holes” are NOT listed in any particular order. Each at the right time…

Most our links take you straight to Amazon, but we always recommend to check with your local and used bookstores first!

Shaleen's Top 5 Watering Holes

Universal Christ - Richard Rohr

Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God - Brian Zahnd

Hinds Feet on High Places - Hannah Hurnard

Inspired- Rachel Held Evans

Just A Sister Away - Renita Weems


Universal Christ - Richard Rohr

The Day The Revolution Began - NT Wright

A New Kind of Christianity...

Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God - Brian Zahnd

The Great Emergence - Phyllis Tickle

Flipped - Doug Pagitt

New Seeds of Contemplation - Thomas Merton

Idolatry of God - Peter Rollins

Making a Way Out of No Way - Monica Coleman

Repenting of Religion - Greg Boyd

Community in the Inventive Age - Doug Pagitt

The Mirror Bible - Francois du Toit

A Generous Orthodoxy - Brian Mclaren

Inspired- Rachel Held Evans

Did God Kill Jesus? - Tony Jones

The Cross and the Lynching Tree - James Cone

Hinds Feet on High Places - Hannah Hurnard

Just A Sister Away - Renita Weems

Healing the Mind Through the Power of Story

What Is The Bible? - Rob Bell

Universal Christ - Richard Rohr The Master Plan of Evangelism

Bitten By a Camel - Kent Dobson

Making America Great Again - David Moore

Cross Vision - Gregory Boyd

Lies we Believe About God - William Paul Young

That All Shall Be Saved - David Bently Hart

Out Doing Jesus - Doug Pagitt

The Shift - Colby Martin

Reading John for Dear Life - Jamie Clark-Soles

Talking Back to the Bible - Edward Simmons

Women’s Bible Commentary

Rescuing the Gospel From the Cowboys- Richard Twiss

Queer Bible Commentary

Whose Gospel? - James Forbes

Salsa, Soul, and Spirit - Juana Bordas

Permission Granted - Jennifer Bird

Jesus and the Disinherited - Howard Thurman

Reading the Bible from the Margins - Miguel De La Torre

Using Our Outside Voice - Greg Carey

Native: Identity, Belonging and Rediscovering God- Kaitlin B Curtis

Universal Christ - Richard Rohr Dreams and Spiritual Growth

An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation

Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity

Inspired- Rachel Held Evans Organizing Church: Grassroots Practices

A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation

God Can't - Thomas Jay Oord

Josh Packard - Church Refugees


The Heart of Centering Prayer - Cynthia Bourgeault

Falling Upward - Richard Rohr

50 Ways to Pray - Teresa Blythe

Desert Fathers and Mothers - Dr. Christine Valteres Paintner

When The Heart Waits - Sue Monk Kidd

God Has a Dream - Desmond Tutu

Sacred Rhythms - Ruth Haley Barton

Spiritual Direction - Henri Nouwen

The Misunderstood Jew - Amy-Jill Levine

No Mud, No Lotus - Thich Nhat Hahn

The Way of the Heart - Henri Nouwen

Practicing the Presence of Prayer - Brother Lawrence

The Naked Now - Richard Rohr

Living Buddha Living Christ - Thich Nhat Hahn

Divine Dance - Richard Rohr

Wild Mercy - Mirabai Starr

Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community - Pádraig Ó Tuma

M Amos Clifford - Your Guide to Forest Bathing: Experience the Healing...


The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey

The Wisdom of the Enneagram - Don Richard Riso...

Grounded Spirituality - Jeff Brown

The Art of Communicating - Thich Nhat Hanh

Finite and Infinite Games - James Carse

Non-Violent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg

Speaking Peace - Marshall Rosenberg

Let Your Life Speak - Parker Palmer

Cinderella and Her Sisters - Anne and Barry Ulanov

Shameless - Nadia Bolz-Webber

Owning your own Shadow - Robert Johnson

Hinds Feet on High Places - Hannah Hurnard

Out of Sorts - Sarah Bessey

The Shack - William Young

A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23 - Phillip Keller

Devotional Classics - Foster & Smith

Interfaith Leadership - Eboo Patel

You Are Special - Max Lucado

Rising Strong -Brené Brown

Dare to Lead - Brené Brown

Braving the Wilderness - Brené Brown

Daring Greatly- Brené Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection- Brené Brown

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in...

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle - Emily


Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories...

Jesus Feminist: An Invitation to Revisit the Bible's View...

Just A Sister Away:A Womanist Vision of Women's...

Untamed - Glennon Doyle

Finite and Infinite Games - James Carse...

Slaves, Women, and Homosexuals - William Webb

Dance of the Dissident Daughter - Sue Monk Kidd

Daughters in the Hebrew Bible - Kimberly Russaw

The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church's...

Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches - Audrey Lorde

The Womanist Idea (Contemporary Sociological...

Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother's Immaculate...

Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of....

Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on...

I Found God in Me: A Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics...

The Book of Longings- Sue Monk Kidd

Women in the Bible- Jaime Clarke-Soles

"Too Much Woman" -Evyan Whitney


The Fire Next Time- James Baldwin

Subtle Acts of Exclusion - Tiffany Jana

Between The World and Me - Ta-Nehisis Coates

How to Be An Anti-Racist - Ibram Kendi

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to...

My Grandmother’s Hands:Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to...

Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change...

Be The Bridge : Pursuing God's Heart for...

Good White Racist? Confronting Your Role in Racial...

Waking Up White: and Finding Myself in the Story of Race- Debby Irving

White Fragility - Robin Diangelo

Mystic Soul Project

From Banks to Tanks to Cooperation and Caring- Movement Generation

See No Stranger- Valarie Kaur

Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham...

Christena Cleveland - Christ our Black Mother Speaks


This I Know: A Simple Biblical Defense for...

God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case...

Un-Clober - Colby Martin

Changing Our Mind: Definitive 3rd Edition of...


Salt. - Nayyirah Waheed

Mary Oliver- Devotions

Abou Ben Adhem - Leigh Hunt

And For No Reason - Hafiz of Shiraz

A Year With Rumi - Rumi poetry

Wendell Berry

And Still I Rise: A Book of Poems- Maya Angelou

Micah Bournes- Here Comes This Dreamer

Welcome To Holland - Emily Perl Kingsley


The Deconstructionists- Adam Narloch and John Williamson

Nomad- Tim Nash and David Blower

Unlocking Us- Brene Brown

Another Name for Everything- with Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr Homilies

OnBeing- Krista Tippett

Signpost- Ryan Cagle

The Bible for Normal People- Pete Enns and Jared Byas

Red Letter Christians-Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne

The Liturgist- Michael Gungor and Mike McHargue

Beyond the Pines #Beyondflg- Cody Bayles and Daniel Phillips

American Heretic - Charlie MccCallie

Open Bible- Steve MaCarthy and Alicia Johnston

Daily Readings

Center for Action and Contemplation- Richard Rohr

Henri Nouwen Society

Progressive Spirit

Books We Need To Read Next

Angry Like Jesus - Sarah Sumner

The Anatomy of Peace - The Arbinger Institute

Forgive Us - Mae Elise Cannon

Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time - Marcus Borg

The End of White Christian America - Robert Jones

Left To Tell - Immaculee Ilibagiza

The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation- Miles McPherson

Sam Wineburg - Why Learn History When It’s Already on Your Phone?

Desert Voices was born from passionate and gritty conversations of loss, pain, joy, and love.